Sunday, October 24, 2010

Thanks from my Heart

Whoa look at my last post rofl XD long as XD. ok anyways.... the updates of other ausmatian's blogs got me to do this so Here We Go!!! Time to dwell in my world where everything is oh so fine ^^

Sup guys, It's been a roller coaster of a year for me in MCKL with the SC stuff and the Emo stuff and the Crazy stuff. But i know for sure everything happens for a reason just like how we were all picked and placed in MCKL for a reason and what might that be? To meet me !!! rofl perasan much XD.

Well I guess for me the reason God placed me in MCKL would most probably be, to find my self, to seek new horizons, to meet u guys, and to better myself with u guys.
Some of u might not know, but I think most of you do, bout the conflicts ive had in MCKL and my oh so suck~ish attitudes. Sorry for revealing them to u guys but hey, if i didnt i wouldnt be where i am now right JL ma Bro?

Now enough of the oh so horrible emo part.... lets move on to the Friend introduction part ^^ lol.... i think im going crazy lol (Perks of being an AusMatian XP)

Lets see, what order should I use...

Brian Mah Weng Loong :
The oh so scary snobbish looking loner in the beginning of the year to the oh so entertaining friend XD. U remember how we first met? I believe u do, u only came over to talk with the intention of putting games into the calculator with the help from this geek. Only to find out that u walked into a pit of doom !!!! lol XD. I thank you for being U and well I thank you for being MY friend. Lots more to say but i dont think u want your life to be revealed to the whole ausmat ei.

Joseph Leong Xin Jia:
Wassup JL ma Bro, from the Cool Dude to the not so Cool Dude, but u know what jl ma bro i like the not so cool dude better ^^. Thanks for being there for me and obviously thanks for being the mirror in my life that showed me my true colours. What more is there to say? For I believe that words of compliments would be understatements of how i feel. Thanks JL ma Bro

Justin Wong Guo Xian:
Sup ya PIG, what can i say? thanks for being my dustbin thats for sure lol XD and thanks for driving me around and sending me back to klang when i sprained my ankle. Thanks for being my friend and for playing a part in revealing the me i used to be.

Daniel Wong Guo Yao:
Hallo, so what pokemon r u? lol XD thanks for the all those "moments". Thanks for being that cheerful oh so hyper dude that tries his very best to make everyone as happy and hyper like him. lol XD and thanks for all those pokemon moments and Guilty Gear moments lol XD oh lets not forget Carnivores moments haha XD. Thx

Ko Wen Wu:
Sup Lala, lol thanks for being u XD sorry for all the scolding and shouting when u leave your food on the table. N thank you for being U lol in a way i think if u did not appear in my life it would not have been as awesome XD thanks.

Vern Kit:
Yo, sup baby face lol XD thanks for being a nice zha~ing competition lol. Thanks for all the iphone jailbreaking and apps help lol and the awkward KTM topics we talk about. Oh and also for being the life of psycho class with the help of your partner in crime, JL. XD

XD thanks for your shirts rofl and for that wonderful shopping time with brian rofl it was weird but fun lol. thanks for being u and thanks for the basketball and captain ball moments XD and like the Looster says, U AINT STUPID !! ^^ lol thx

Vickram Sialraya :P
Lol thanks for the crazy sickness that just pours out of u and stains anything and everything in your path. lol XD thanks for the awesome SC moments thats for sure and the nisha, jen, auretta torturing sessions rofl XD

Timothy Ngu:
THANKS FOR WINDOWS 7 ULTIMATE lol XD. thanks for letting me stay over at your apartments during exams. XD

Adam Teo Cheng Hoe:
Thank you for the good memories of moral and malaysian studies lol XD

Joe Ling:
Thanks for the clothes during intercohort games lol XD and thanks for being a very good to work with person ^^ for all the projects we have done together psycho and english ^^ sorry if I wasnt a good enough help to u.

XD hmm lets see thanks for the entertaining moments in moral XD being King How and your (forgot exact number) of wives lol XD

Aaron Anand:
Thanks for the awesome singing and thank you for the memories in psycho and moral classes ^^

Je Xen:
Thanks for the bio field trip to the lake gardens XD

Oh thats all the guys lol ok on to the girls ^^

Nisha Natalie:
lol do I even need to say anything? lol yes I do XD thanks for being so helpful and for being there like for EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY CLASSES lol XD thanks for being U and thanks for having me as your friend lol. Oh and thanks for withstanding all the sufferings i put u thru especially when i work with vickram rofl XD :P. Thanks oh and we cant forget my awesome creation..... VISHA NATAKRAM !!!! lol XD :P, u just called me a pig didnt u.... u just said shut up didnt u, u just said u hate me didnt u rofl :P

Auretta aka Patti !!!
XD thanks for being so blonde rofl lol thank you for being my of so helpful chem lab partner haha where i dont have to do the boring job like recording data lol. thanks for your craziness 2 and the entertainment in moral and malaysian studies XD

Jen Queen :P
lol allo ganas haha XD thanks for "accompanying" me to MCKL from Kuching lol and thanks for being so fun to debate with rofl. I bet u would agree with me that we found out more about each other here in MCKL in 1 year as compared to when we we in kuching for like what? 10 years? lol XD thanks.

^^ hallo emo one lol XD thank you for a lot of things, and thank you for that very important deed u did for me. I believe u know what im talking about ^^ thank you for the crazy redbox moments (rude boy) and the crazy dance moves rofl and thank you for understanding me ^^

Rachel aka Mini Moey~Ster:
XD thanks for being so happy all the time and being a joy to be with haha and thanks for all the nice dance club moments ^^ and thanks for making Ausmat so colourful XD

Wen Lian:
hallo XD thanks for the camp moments XD Fantastic Bombsatic Zettastic We Are, Zettas !!! lol and many found memories for instance batting cage and one U XD

Cant believe im saying this, THANK YOU FOR KILLING MY BRAIN CELLS !!! lol XD u r nice to have zha~ing competition with but...... most of the time end up with disasters lol XD oh and thanks for your DOINK DOINK XD

Erica Sub Has lol XD:
THANK YOU FOR LALA FYING ME!!! lol thanks for all the crazy moments during dance club thanks for the fun but sometimes boring bio lab experiments (counting bubbles....) and thank you for your WIDE VARIETY OF LAUGHTER lol XD

Amanda Wong:
HeyO!!!!! lol thanks amanda for being a great friend and definitely thanks for helping me with bio.

Sue Ann:
Thanks for all the craziness lol XD. Thanks for the fun time in Camerons and we have yet to have our milo time XD. Thanks for dance club ms president thanks for everything the ups and downs ^^.

Su Kay:
Hmm Thanks for I dunno being you lol XD with all the DEADLY phrases ferns uses lol

Abi the crazy as sick as vickram girl XD lol thanks for all the craziness and all the highness during our conversations lol

Thank you for the craziness when ming hui was around lol and thank you for being so good to rochelle :P

Thank you for always accompanying rochelle :P

Ke Xin:

Angel Lee:
Always so quiet.... i dunno what to say but thank you for appearing in my life

Tien Yunn:
we may not be that close but i am grateful for getting to know you.

Hallo !!! lol XD Bio lab partner !!! ms C 1 lol XD thank you for making my bio oh so not boring at all lol XD

Thank you for always laughing most of the time I see you with your gang lol XD i guess seeing happiness makes me happy XD

Jun Shu:
XD thank you for letting me know you ^^

Thats everybody right? oh no wait I forgot the 2 most impact~ful people o.O

Rochelle Cho Zhen Yan:
Thank you for existing :P thank you for accepting o.O am i allow to put this stuff here. Thank you for being the PRINCESS OF MOGAMBO. And thank you for being you :P oh thank you for jumping :P

Andrew Tan Wei Jien:
Thank you heaps twin. For always being there for me. For always lending your shoulder, for lifting me up when im down, for being by my side when im lonely. Sorry for not being able to return the favour. THANK YOU VERY MUCH ANDREW TAN WEI JIEN

And thats everybody ^^ lol hope i didnt bore u guys and gals ;P

ByeO ^^ will miss you guys & gals heaps

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Post Dedicated to Sai Lou

lol XD see how nice i am... Dedicate my 40th post to u Allister Bah.


Now im playing it but it seems weird... cause i dunno any chords and im playing random stuff which is practically becoming noise pollution rofl XD

Anyone know any harmonica chords?

like as if i wasnt bz enough... now im learning to play de harmonica lol XD

Thats bout it, Chao

Caleb (^^,)

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Sorry for the long long long break lol XD

Ok.... to catch u guys up on things... Im in student council already and im the treasurer.

Thats about it lol XD it a super tiring job =.=

Anyways Biggest Highlight Atm OB NIGHT 2010 !!!

Man was it A . W . E . S . O . M . E

in the beginning it looked like it was gonna fail cause the VIPs came late =.=
then as things progressed it got better and better and by the time it was the handover ceremony everything was running according to plan near the end it became awesome lol.

I DMAO when it reached the open dance floor session which was like near the end after all the lecturers left lol and everyone else just PARTIED!!!!!!

U know College Live aint that bad, Live in MCKL is just superb, the people u meet, the awesome lecturers (not all sadly T.T), the new friends u make, the relationships that r created, everything is just awesome ^^

Lets just zoom in for a while, The AusMat cohort just rulez la XD we may be the minority but we still pawn A-levels haha XD no offense what so ever Sai Lou. The bond each student in AusMat is just so strong that even tho all 41 of us r nvr in the same class the bond is still greater then each individual A-levels class. And its fun to be with the AusMat group cause it consists of fun and awesome people.

In a Nut shell im having a blast over here in West Malaysia, but the only fear i have right now is losing contact with friends from kuching...

And its odd... most college students that r from kuching r complaining like hell that college live sucks but mine is just awesome haha XD oh well... thats about it i guess... dont look forward to a fast update. My ass will be worked real hard once school starts again on monday.... cause thats the time things start getting really busy....

Chao (^^,)
Caleb lmL

Monday, February 8, 2010


What have i gotten my self into XD man.... Anthony(student council head from MCKL) suggested me to run as a student council member..... and now i need to do a speech tomorrow and there will be an election..... what do i do? i want to do it but i dont want to do it rofl XD. Im afraid ill be swamped.... sigh... oh well i shall just go for it le.... and we shall see how things turn out... wish me luck on my speech....

P.S. Im not performing for OB night anymore..... sad ai? but thats the way the cookie crumbles.

Chao (^^,)
Caleb lmL

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Orientation Camp B


Man camp was just AWESOME lol XD. Made tons of new friends, Had tons of fun, Night Jungle tracking was abit of a drag, stream trotting was AWESOME, games were Awesome, overall CAMP WAS AWESOME!!!!

Fantastic!! Bombastic!! Zettastic!! We Are!! ZETTAS!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

lol XD. That my friends, is the team's cheer lol XD

N.J tracking was abit of a drag cause it was kinda going at a very slow pace XD so yea i got bored and just lack behind and start helping others up/down the track.

Stream Trotting on the other hand was AWESOME lol XD. i went to the very front but then lack behind again to help some of the campers up the mini "waterfalls" lol XD its just really hard areas to climb up XD. Its was fun for me because in order to go ahead of people after helping them cross 1 part, i had to go to the harder route which is fun XD it was either deep water that reach till my chest, slippery rocks that i had to climb or just small slits with massive gushing water crashing onto u while u try and get up lol XD.

Then there was the sketch XD some sketches were odd some were really funny and some were just plain weird XD lol but all in all it was fun XD.

After the sketches, it was punishment time, some were punished for walking around pass lights out, some where punished for sleeping during no apologies, some were punish for being late.
I was punished along with Ashvin and Serric, what for u may wonder? the reason was we were being punished for helping the other campers during the stream trotting and N.J tracking without asking for permission. Our punishment was, to each finish a can of 100 plus without sharing it with anyone. LOL XD.

Then there was games, the games were awesome, first it was like a course game thingy? where u go to a station and u complete tasks then u go to the next station, so on so forth. After that it was *drum roll* WATER BALLOON FIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol XD

After all that it was award time XD what award should i start with? lets start with the Team Awards, best team work award goes to *drum roll* TEAM DECA!!!!, 2nd runner up award goes to *drum roll* I FORGOT !!!! (i forgot which team... sorry ah XD I forgot is not a team name lol) 1st runner up goes to *drum roll* The Fantastic Bombastic Zettastic TEAM ZETTA !!!!( my group (^^,) ) and the first place leading by 7 points goes to *drum role* TEAM HECTO PERFECTO !!!! (gratz sai lou)

Now for the singles award, The Oscar Award goes to *drum roll* SAMYVELU (Annesha) !!!!
and now for the Best Camper Award, the Best Camper award goes to?! (everyone shouts) CALEB!!!!!!!!!!!! lol im not braggin XD i seriously got the best camper award lol didnt know that there was such an award lol.

Then it was goodbye time :( but every good thing has to come to an eng eventually :( oh well i had a great time and i think everyone else had a great time as well.

I guess thats about it,

Chao (^^,)
Caleb lmL

Thursday, February 4, 2010


camps is tomorrow !!! really cant wait to go to camp lol XD finally get to spend time with friends and have fun.... hopefully.... and get my mind of failures .... sigh dunno la see u guys after camp...

Shall return in 3 days o.O? maybe dunno XD


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Its February!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow last post was Last Month!!! lol XD lame joke lame joke =.=

Bleh anyways.... life.... how is it? Its like a roller coaster ride.... It has its ups and downs but in the end its gonna be an awesome ride ^^

February hmmm means its CNY holiday !!!!! YAY !!!!! NOT!!!!!!! i have only 5 days of holiday which sucks.... cause i cant go back to Kch =.= worst thing is im not even staying here in klang =.= im going back to ipoh to celebrate CNY there with my granddad. Not that i hate him or anything its just..... we dont click.... he talks about war by experience, he talks about the essential knowledge needed to survive..... he talks about boring old history..... which i am not interested in =.= so yea we dont click.... so i just sit there and do nth =.= while my mom TRIES to talk to him =.= why do i say try? cause he doesnt talk much.... he just sits there and dreams..... but when he does talk he talks about as mention above =.= so its gonna be a dreadful CNY.....

But lets leave the future aside for now.... lets talk about closer things... as u all know ive been practicing for the dance performance for OB night... but guess what !!! everything crumbled.... the group members gave up on the earlier ideas which were great in my view, and now they r planning to do an exact copy of a video..... which to me kinda sucks.... not the video the idea... everything is just messed up.... and guess what AUDITION IS ON THE 10TH OF FEBRUARY. which is like in 8 days..... minus 4 days cause i have camp this weekend and on the 10 its DE DAY. Sigh i dunno le..... i would most likely have to step in and take over the whole thing.... which maybe good or maybe bad... cause

1) they might hate me.
2) i cant really choreograph....
3) how can i put this.... their heart isnt really in it ?

i dunno if its just me taking things to seriously or they seriously dont have the heart to do it. Im not in it to win im just wanna have fun... but if the group members arent giving it their all isnt it just a waste of time..... Of all the practices we have had.... nvr has all 8 group members been together =.= sigh i really dunno....

Now Camp !!! lol as mentioned earlier... im gonna have camp this weekend str8 after college on friday we will be taking the bus to Tapah.... rule is no gadgets. Gadgets brought at own risk =.= which sucks.... u know why? cause the bus ride is freaking 3 hours =.= sigh oh well... the students that went to Camp A seem to have had a great time. Im kinda looking forward to it. If it can make a melancholy happy and manage to get more friends, im guessing a phlegmatic like myself would be able to click and go with the flow ai? i hope so....

what else is there to say? bleh cant think of anything... we shall just see whats past this rock soon enough....

Chao (^^,)
Caleb lmL

Monday, January 25, 2010


I lazy post every even on a daily basis liow lol. anyways....

Life over in West Malaysia hmm.... College Life is getting better day by day making new friends, having fun with lecturers, and doing practices all these things practically sums up why college is so fun. The only thing i dread about college is Chemistry and Biology =.= i need to act all sakai to entertain myself everytime cause the darn lecturer is so boring =.=

Anyways, aside from college, Im making friends with new old people ( new cause i dont know them, old cause not because of their age but because i use to know them. lol understand?) getting to know the people that i use to hang out with. Had a match of Captain Ball on sunday after service and youth, it was fun but i didnt wear shoes so yea..... i have blisters on my foot now =.=

Anyways im running out of ideas.... cause im only doing this cause i dunno how to continue writing my essay for psychology..... psychology is fun but man it seriously is tough.....

oh a confession to the east malaysians, my mind is being flooded by new memories that my old ones r being repressed =.= i take em out once in a while but its a psychological thing so i cant really control it.....

anyways.... guess thats about all.... i guess.....

Chao (^^,)
Caleb lmL

Saturday, January 23, 2010

U Name The Title

Sooooooooooooooo............ to continue where i left off on Tuesday....

Wednesday.... hmmm what happened...? Oh yea ! During break a guy was sitting at the same table as i was. He introduces himself and i introduce myself. Then he goes "OH !!! So URE Caleb!!" i replied "...... Yea.... how do u know me?" "Oh ive heard about u. Ure a very popular guy." In my head "me popular? must be for wrong reasons...." i answered "popular how?" " Oh dont worry its good things nth bad. Anyways i gtg for class cya." He walks off. So apparently i have created unwanted fame for myself.... how? i have no idea.... I know in classes like English, Psycho, Math and Ielts im the joker.... but it wouldnt go so far that even A-levels knows about it would it ?
I dont like random fame..... it makes me wonder.... and i think the glass is half empty =.=

Thursday.... nth to talk about.... it was overall a shitty day rofl XD. Why? cause there was chemistry and biology =.= which sucks.... ALOT.....

Friday.... MAIN EVENT!!!!!! ALLISTER WENT FOR CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. rofl XD. why am i so happy? lol cause
1) he is non-christian
2) he liked it XD
And thats roughly about it for friday lol nth special about the rest of the day same old joker during IELTS XD.

Saturday morning... today !!! XD Woke up mom left for Sunway already =.=..... spent my morning half dead because of boredom =.= was supposed to wait for the delivery man that was supposed to send the mattress around 12~1..... At 1 still havent arrive... called my mom.... mom called the guy.... and mom tells me that he is about to leave i was like WTH then i ask my mom if he can come another day cause i had to catch the 1.45 train to sentral =.=. Mom called the guy and cancelled and i rushed to the station....

Why was i rushing o.O? Well cause i had a practice for a performance i will be doing for the Orientation Ball organised by the College. What performance u ask? Its....... *drum roll*....... Its DANCING!! ok at this point Ant and Ivan if ure about to make fag comments go ahead but be prepared to get flamed XD :P.
So anyways..... Met up with a few of the group members cause some of them couldnt make it. There r 8 of us altogether, There is Priya, Suk Wan (girl that looks like kiat), Erika, Joleen, Kathrine, Wen Wu, Allister and ME(duh). As u might have realized there is only 3 guys out of the 8 XD. So anyways what kinds of dance will we be doing? well we have.... traditional.... hip hop..... and break.... we havent completed the routines and stuff yet, today was just well.... brain storming session ? lol

Anyways... update more about the performance in later days.... as for now.... i need to go complete my assignments =.= so yea. Adios Amigos ^^

Post done as requested by
Sai Lou (again)

Chao (^^,)
Caleb lmL

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

After A Long Disappearance!

Its been a while since my last post sorry ah.

Anyways.... Kent came and stayed over at my place last weekend. Went to mid valley to "pick" him up after class. Man was the train packed =.= any tiny movement u make u touch someone.... that was one hour plus of being cramped up like sardines..... Reach home and we just talked and surf the net and stuff.... help him with his facebook acc bla bla bla.

Saturday Morning, Kent complains that he is sick lol XD and keeps asking me to check if he got fever =.= anyways.... was supposed to meet chee xiung and other people dunno who.... at mid valley... but leonard bong invited me and kent to go sunway XD but in the end..... didnt go for any.... leonard cancelled..... so we (my mom kent and i) ended up going to Jusco, went to some Chinese restaurant a really really Chinese 1 lol. they had dim sum and what not lol. I order Soi Kau and Fried Rice and Fried Wanton and my mom ordered some yucky tofu thing =.=. Kent order uh... La Mian with Wanton. I was bloated =.=

later in the afternoon Kent rests for like 2 hours while i went to church to do sound tech =.=
Dinner..... didnt finish it cause my stomach was uncomfortable =.= went and lie on the bed for a while and i got to tired to wake up and move lol. While i was sleeping kent watched like 4 movies.... AP-1, Wedding, Band Camp and Book Of Love.
How i know? Everytime i wake up i hear scenes from one of the movies lol.

Sunday morning, brings kent to church XD. His first time in church, and u know what? After church he actually said " quite nice la" lol XD yay haha XD. Nth much after that.... just teman him "home" to mid valley.

Sunday Night, OMG WTH CRAP...... i forgot to do my homework =.=...... 10 summaries on saving francesca..... i do a few chapters and go to bed lol

Monday Morning, feels like crap lol monday blues i guess.... goes for math still in dreamland.... gave Wen Wu RM480 to help me buy the calculator.... then goes for Psycho and im awake XD. Psycho is just so fun lol lecturer is awesome, subject is interesting and u cant fall asleep cause the room is freezing cold lol.

After Psycho its break time... meet up with wen wu to get my calculator, *takes calculator* oh wth.... so freaking heavy =.=... then the day drags on.... final class was biology with the bloody lecturer =.=

Home At Last, *flips laptop open, goes on to the internet, goes to google and types : TI-89 Titanium GAMES*
lol yup XD thats what i did. How did i find out that we could put games into the calculator? That would be thx to Mr.Loo XD. Did my research and stuff to find the right games how to put it in.. what programs do i need bla bla bla.... finally done *looks at watch* omg wth 11.30 =.= i havent finish summary =.= still got 6 chapters =.=..... Did 1 chapter then got bored and went to bed lol.

This morning.... woke up wished Cassey Happy Birthday, (HAPPY BIRTHDAY CASSEY!!!! ~again~ XD) then went to college the usual routine..... Reach college walked to the canteen, and starts chiong~ing english lol. I manage to finish it before english class and to my horror..... 10 more chapter summarries by next tuesday =.= like ....... sigh....... after english it was boring classes so i just WHIP OUT MY FULLY LOADED CALCULATOR and start playing pacman ROFL XD. Other students were staring at me like i was some psycho or nerd playing with his calculator others actually came over to find out and go EEEEE GOT GAME!!! HOW U PUT !!!! lol XD guys and girls XD.

Thats roughly about all i guess..... now i need to go complete my math homework and maybe write a few chapters of summary =.= AFTER i put in more games onto the calculator XD

Post Done upon request of:
Sai Lou

Chao (^^,)
Caleb lmL

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Similarities XD

lol i dunno if i just miss everyone to much or its just really coincidence XD

there are 2 girls in my class that reminds me of friends from the Cat City. 1 girl looks like yvonne pui, the other looks like Nisa.

there is also another girl that looks like you kiat, YES YOU XD lol just a little fatter XD

now those r look alikes now its possessions
i saw a beg that looked like eugene's then there was a bag that reminded me of dre's... a shirt that reminded me of Leon K, horizontal stripe shirts that reminded me of Jerry, and vertical striped t shirts that reminded me of leon T lol XD.

yes.... i know.... this post is really random...

its written out of total randomness and boredom....

Caleb (^^,)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Ouch ?!

What do you get when you add

1 boy + 1 bicycle + new unexplored area + sharp turning + sand on ground at turning ?

Well the answer is THIS

Monday, January 4, 2010

Boring Day Two....

bleh... day two was boring..... didnt manage to make new friends cause we were all forced to stay put in the tiny room..... the whole day was just talk talk talk.... boring stuff lol XD tomorrow lectures start and on the first day I have psychology for 2nd period XD. looking forward for tomorrow lol. Just because of psychology lol.

bah nth to write liow lol wait for tomorrow la.... or tonight if i decide to go cycle around my neighbourhood....

chao (^^,)
caleb lmL

First Day of College

Woke up at 5.15am got ready then left the house at 5.45. Waited at the train station for the train to arrive at 6.15 then travel from Teluk Gadong (the place where the train station is located) to KL Sentral. From KL Sentral walked to MCKL reached MCKL at about 7.20 or so.

Morning briefing was kinda sucky lol cause we were all (A-level students, AusMat Students, CAT Students) cramped into a small room and it was HOT..... but the CEO made things fun in a way because of her wonderful sense of humour XD.

At 9.30 we had break. I sat at an empty table cause it was the only seat available..... then 2 guys came and asked if they could sit with me i said yea. Introduced our selfs bla bla bla u know the routine... 1 guy was named Allister and the other was... i forgot... he said it once softly.... and it was an indian name.... anyways.... the indian dude just sat there quietly not saying anything..... then Allister started asking where i was from and stuff then ask if i played games bla bla bla.... then basketball bla bla bla.... then it was time for us to go to our respective rooms for the different courses... Allister is an A-levels Student Im an Ausmat student so yea.... we went different directions lol.

Went it to the room that we were assigned to and waited for the teacher in charged of AusMat, Ms Betsy Li. She entered brief us roughly what AusMat is bla bla bla then the next teacher came in, it was the Economics teacher..... i dont take economics but i didnt have anywhere else better to go so i just stayed and listen lol. After Economics we had Mathematics and Mathematics specialist both taught by the same teacher so yea.. it was together.... the worst news for math was that we HAD to buy a calculator that costs RM480 =.=.

After Math we had erm...... Physics and Politics and Law at the same time... i dont take any of the 2 subjects so i had no where to go... but the physics teacher chased us out so i went into the politics and law room lol XD.

Then we had chemistry and biological studies (both taught by the same teacher Mr Ratnasa.... something.... indian name again T.T), and psychology at the same time, so yea.... we had a clash of time cause most of the students taking psychology were taking chemistry as well... anyways.... the chemistry/biology teacher is kinda a serious boring kinda dude rofl XD his tone is like flat =.= and he doesnt smile..... and his first sentence was " if u r taking both chemistry and biology.... u need to bear with me for 8 hours weekly" ..... i know mood killer ei ?

For Psychology the lecturer is Mr Loo W W (not sure exactly what the 2 Ws r yet so yea we shall leave it at Mr. Loo W W XD). He is a young dude im guessing around his late twenties. He started explaining what psychology was and what he will teach us so on so forth... then he gives and example of how psychologist can read people, by their actions and the way they dress so on so forth. Then he says " I can tell alot about those of you who have your chins on your hands..... (im one of them). Those of you who took your hands away r those who care about what other people think of you....... To The person that still has HIS chin on his hand(ME) he is the kind of guy who doesnt care what other poeple think of him because he is the kind of person that goes by the motto "I am who I am, who cares what people think" this kind of person is also the kind that usually sit at the back of the class...

I was laughing the whole way when he said everything cause it was true and i just kept my eyes on him( he kept walking up and down =.=) to see what else he can read out of me and see if its true or false. Then he asked how many of us were taking psychology we raised up our hands (i think it was 6~7 me included) then he goes "wah! so many ah? last time when i take only got 2 or 3...." then he asked us why we wanted to take psychology.... no one answered him, then i said " why did You take Psychology?" he paused awhile..... then said "why i took psychology? its because when i took it no one else was taking it." yes i know.... odd answer.... but who cares lol. all i can say is that Mr Lee is an awesome teacher and im looking forward to psychology classes lol XD. oh btw the dots for the 2 paragraphs above(all about psycho) r there for a reason, the dots represent the pauses Mr Loo took while conveying his msg lol.

After psychology we had EALD, which is English as an Additional Language or Dialect, it is tought by Mr A Ganesan (YAY first indian name i remember XD) he is kinda old.... i guess XD maybe around his fifties. He is a very odd teacher XD and has a crazy sense of humour lol. In every sentence a lame joke pops out of no where lol. Oh and he said "Bitch" XD lol. He was pretending to be a westerner talking to his girlfriend and he was giving an example....

After EALD it was lunch, we had roughly an hour of lunch so i went out to eat with jen queen, no for those of u who dont know her... she isnt a new girl i met over here.... she is actually from TMC. Then met up with uncle Kueh (jen queen's dad). After lunch....

At around two o clock... we(all the students) gather back in that small tiny room =.= then Mr Michael Lee (Head of student services) briefed us on the treasure hunt ( not actually a treasure hunt =.=) anyways.... from what i can see... the aim of the treasure hunt was for us to get to know the areas and the lecturers better and also to make friends. We were splitted in to groups of 5 or 6 self chosen. I joined Allister and a few of the other A-Level people. The group consisted of, Yoga (indian name i cant remember the back sorry.... ), Hui Jiat, another indian guy with a really long name starting with S....... then allister and my self. We were given paper and on it were questions that we need to fill such as :
go here to get this sticker, when was this building officialated bla bla bla.... then we had to find lecturers and find out their birth place.

i know not a treasure hunt at all ei ? its for of a ..... i dunno some finding information game rofl XD.

anyways my group didnt to manage to fill in the birthplace of some of the lecturers cause they were either not present or went off....

And thats about it i guess lol. We finished at 4 i took the 4.45 train back cause i missed the 4.15 one... and got home around 5.45? then i fell asleep rofl cause i was dead tired....

And thats it for day 1 rofl..... Day 2 of orientation tomorrow XD.

Till Next Time (^^,) TTFN
Caleb lmL

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Mid Valley....

Went to mid valley saturday afternoon. meet up with kent and his mom XD. And u know what? Kent is like a girl XD lol he loves to shop XD ahahahaha XD and i also found out his taste and my taste the same XD just that i dont buy expensive stuff =.=..... but i bought a sweater and a shirt. The sweater is kinda sorta 1 of his lol he bought 1 then saw mine and said he wanted it lol but i got it instead lol.

The shirt my mom found it and showed it to me.... it look nice but i didnt really want it lol but when kent wore it, and asked me to go get the exact same kind i just decided to get it XD. overall it was fun la kinda weird cause its like shopping with a girl but.... kent is a guy rofl XD. i was just happy to see a farmiliar face from kuching.

Monday another 1 arriving XD, then 13th faggot arriving XD, somewhere between 5th~10th leon coming i think, then suk ing and chee xiung coming but i dunno when lol. SO MANY PEOPLE !!!! XD

guess thats all la XD now 1.30 liow =.= good night XD.