Ok.... to catch u guys up on things... Im in student council already and im the treasurer.
Thats about it lol XD it a super tiring job =.=
Anyways Biggest Highlight Atm OB NIGHT 2010 !!!
Man was it A . W . E . S . O . M . E
in the beginning it looked like it was gonna fail cause the VIPs came late =.=
then as things progressed it got better and better and by the time it was the handover ceremony everything was running according to plan near the end it became awesome lol.
I DMAO when it reached the open dance floor session which was like near the end after all the lecturers left lol and everyone else just PARTIED!!!!!!
U know College Live aint that bad, Live in MCKL is just superb, the people u meet, the awesome lecturers (not all sadly T.T), the new friends u make, the relationships that r created, everything is just awesome ^^
Lets just zoom in for a while, The AusMat cohort just rulez la XD we may be the minority but we still pawn A-levels haha XD no offense what so ever Sai Lou. The bond each student in AusMat is just so strong that even tho all 41 of us r nvr in the same class the bond is still greater then each individual A-levels class. And its fun to be with the AusMat group cause it consists of fun and awesome people.
In a Nut shell im having a blast over here in West Malaysia, but the only fear i have right now is losing contact with friends from kuching...
And its odd... most college students that r from kuching r complaining like hell that college live sucks but mine is just awesome haha XD oh well... thats about it i guess... dont look forward to a fast update. My ass will be worked real hard once school starts again on monday.... cause thats the time things start getting really busy....
Chao (^^,)
Caleb lmL